The traveler card encourages you to tap into the gypsy spirit within and offers you the opportunity to learn about the world around you while learning about the world within. This could simply mean traveling locally or abroad or just exploring your inner world entirely. This card often comes when you are going through a process of awakening so be gentle with yourself along the journey. It also encourages you to move into a new direction, breaking away from old patterns so you can truly see the amazing qualities you have and share them with the world.
So much love to you!
All Good Things,
Welcome any opportunities to travel, either to the outer world or your inner worlds.
The road you are on may be the road less travelled, but this journey is going to be highly beneficial for your emotional and spiritual growth. If it isn’t about covering outer distance, it's about covering distance within, and you will be evolving every single moment of it. Remember to keep things simple and to lighten your load, because that will make your journey more enjoyable. You are also being encouraged to see how far you’ve come and how you’ve really grown as a person, because this recognition will support you in going even further. And there’s a good chance along the way you’ll make new friends who will become companions for a lifetime.