Summer: Bask in Joy and Light

“It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed.”

― Doe Zantamata

It's winter, and in some areas it's constantly cold and gray. These times can lead to feelings of loneliness, languishing, or depression. But the Summer card picked below reminds you that even in dark times, there’s always a switch close by to shine light.

So much love to you!

All Good Things,



Rise up, open your wings, and shine. Bring your projects and plan out into the light into manifestation.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Light has come to banish the darkness. Clarity is arriving too, allowing you to know exactly where you are and how you can move forward. Angeles and ancestry guides are encouraging you to enjoy this moment and not to rush forward, because this is a time for pleasure, enjoyment and expansion. There is a great chance that you have extra energy, creativity and inspiration at this time - notice what is coming to you, as it is inspiration directly from the divine.