Autumn: Release the Old and Rest

Autumn is when the trees are preparing for the long cold winter and must let go of all the weight they are carrying in order to continue to grow and prosper. Sometimes you too just have to surrender to an aspect of yourself in order to continue to grow and prosper. If there's something that's been weighing you down and stopping you from moving forward, this card is a gentle reminder to prune in order to grow. More on the card below.

So much love to you!

All Good Things,



Release all of the pressure and expectation weighing you down. Shed it all so that you can recover before moving into a time of renewal.

You know what is heavy, what is holding you back. Is it a person, a situation, a dream? Like the trees letting go of their leaves and fruit in the autumn, it's time to let it go. When you hold on, you try to control reality, and that never works. When you let go, you make space for the new to enter your life. You are being guided by your angels and nature herself to release whatever is stopping you from moving forward. And you can do this.