The door is open.

All you have to do is walk in.


Energy is in all things. We operate from high (healthy) or low (unhealthy) frequencies. These sessions are designed to help bring your body, mind and heart to a healthy frequency.

All modalities are included in a healing session with the exception of Breathwork


Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Intuitive Energy Healing

Intuitive energy healing is an amazing tool to help release blocked energies and restore balance of the chakras. The best part about it is it gets to the root of the pains and problems that may be invisible on the surface.

Intuitive energy healing can bring up a wide range of insight, including:

  • present and future information or trauma

  • soul retrieval

  • ancestral & spirit guides

  • releasing pain, punishment and victim energy – past present and future

  • chakra clearing


Sound Healing & Aromatherapy

Sound healing is the use of physical sound vibrations for therapeutic benefit. Sound Healing is unique among healing modalities because we can feel its effects through the vibrations it creates in our bodies, and at the same time, it works to balance the subtle energy fields. Sound Healing is so effective because it influences our emotional bodies as well as our physical bodies.

Research has found that sound therapy offers a number of health benefits, including:

  • stress reduction

  • decreased anxiety and depression

  • improved memory

  • reduced blood pressure

  • pain reduction

  • lower cholesterol

  • decreased risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • deeply relaxed state

  • improves sleep

  • decreases mood swings

Aromatherapy is also used in a session to promote calmness and relaxation.



Breathwork is a healing breathing practice in which the conscious control of breathing  influences a person's mental, emotional or physical state, with a therapeutic effect. It is designed to release stuck energy and other stresses stored in the body.

Breathwork is used to help to improve a wide range of issues, including:

  • anger issues 

  • anxiety 

  • chronic pain 

  • depression 

  • emotional effects of illness 

  • grief 

  • trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Some of my other healing specialties are inner child work/shadow work and accessing Akashic records.



Choose your discounted healing package

Can’t pay all at once? Ask about monthly payment options.

Single sessions are available on the Booking Page

Broken Heart Healing

(Three month weekly/12 Sessions)

Your heart is broken, but you’re ready to grow from the heartache. This three month weekly healing will transform those cracks into solid roots. You will heal from your pain and awaken your life.

Cost: $1500 (You Save $660.00)

Heart Centered Healing

(Three month bi-weekly/6 Sessions)

You're ready to dive deep into your heart center and reconnect with yourself, but you don’t know how. This package will help gently guide you back to your true essence.

Cost: $800 (You save $280)

Dream Catcher Healing

(Book your session anytime/4 Sessions)

You’re almost there, but need a push to cross the finish line. This package will help you catch your dreams and transform them into reality. Watch as your confidence and trust in yourself unfolds.

Cost: $550 (You save $170)