Love is the highest vibration here on earth. When we truly and authentically love ourselves it extends outward and we help raise the vibration of the world. Sometimes understanding the love being that you are takes time as we’re all here to learn and remember who we are. The Heart Guardian can help you call for protection and guidance with all issues surrounding the heart. From the relationship you have with yourself to the relationships you have with others you are being called to open your heart and seek the abundance of love within. Remember, you come from love, you are loved and you are love.
So much love to you!
All Good Things,
Welcome with open arms opportunities to give and receive love.
You are love, lovable and loving. The energy of love is surrounding your whole world at this time. Angels are swirling around you, encouraging you to open your heart and reveal the blessings that you have to offer. They want you to know that you are a highly loving being who deserves to give and receive love. If you are finding it challenging to feel love at this time, it's important for you to give yourself credit where it's due. You are also encouraged to welcome support from others. Learn to receive - don't try and do everything on your own. If you are working on a relationship or are in a new relationship, this card can usher in energies that allow you to forge a powerful connection with your partner. Love is in the air!