Trader: Make connections and exchange information, talents or support.

When we hold back things in life such as our creativity, talents, support, money, affection, and love, it can lead to a scarcity mindset, never feeling like you have enough. It creates restraint which doesn’t allow room for flow and can make you feel like you’re living in a state of constant lack. When you give and share these things with integrity and authentically tap into the energy of gratitude, you can live in a flow state of abundance. It's not about giving something to get something, as that will bring its own set of challenges, but rather to give from a place of honesty. You always have enough and sometimes it’s just about changing your perspective.

The Trader card brings the lesson and energy of exchange. When we give, the universe gives us more to share, it's quite a beautiful cycle. More on this card below.

So much love to you!

All Good Things,



The universe operates under the law of cause and effect and is always looking to return to a natural state of balance. So if you are lacking in the feelings of abundance at this time, you are being invited to share your time, your gifts and your understanding with others. If you're frustrated because something isn't unfolding in your life, instead of asking yourself what you can get, ask yourself what you can give. The exchange of energy doesn't necessarily mean financial energy - it can also be about supporting in order to feel supported. If you've been holding back with your offerings, now is the time to change that. Allow yourself to be open, honest and vulnerable. This can prepare you to open up to even greater opportunities in the coming days, weeks and months.