Drop Your Shields

Sometimes we deeply associate with our shame, guilt, and unworthiness because we're so used to it playing on repeat and in an unhealthy way it brings us comfort. It's almost as if we were to let go of the shame, guilt and unworthiness we'd lose a part of ourselves. This is suffering. Through healing and time you can begin to release these feelings. But ask yourself who am I without guilt, shame, and the feeling of unworthiness? Who am I on the other side? Read the card chosen below for more.

So much love to you!

All Good Things,



Drop any of shame, resistance and fear that are standing between you and your chances of enjoyment and fun. Know that you don't need to hide who you are or the gifts you have. You were born to shine.

You may have encountered shame or embarrassment in your past, but that is not your present. Angels are drawing close at this time to help you move beyond any limiting thoughts, emotions and patterns that may be making you feel unsafe. Know that angelic protection is swirling around you at this moment and will help you move forward in a more fearless way. Call on your guides for help in changing your frequency so you can feel safe and protected at this time. You are stronger than you think, and your angels and ancestor guides are here to help you realize this now.